Armor Stop


Do you have an armor? Do you need an armor? Do you need any answer to any kind of armor related questions? Then check out our blog!

Armor Stop is one of the most reliable online information centers for everything that has to do with tactical vests, body armor, plate carriers, and all other related gears. We believe that before anyone can make good use of an armor, such person must be well equipped with the right knowledge of use.

Ultimately, our goal is to ensure that our readers don’t get shot. We all know how sinister and violent the world is. Law enforcement agents and soldiers can provide you with a first-hand experience of why the world is not some wishful utopia. You need to prepare and anticipate danger if you work as military personnel, police officer, or first responder.

How exactly can you survive a combat ground or out in the wild? Having the right tools is one, knowing how the make most of them is another and this is where we’ve got you covered. We provide you with all you need to know about making use of state-of-the-art survival tools and high standard tactical gears for various scenarios. We help you prepare for the times when you would be faced with real time danger such as natural disasters, enemy attacks, ambushes, riots, and other form of emergencies.

We help you understand what kind of body armor goes best with ideal situations. From time to time, we also analyze the use of certain armories for protection of lives. Explore the world of plate carriers, body armor, tactical vest, weighted vests, and other related gears.

What’s more? We also provide you with day to day guides on how you make the best use of your gears.